31 December 2024

2024 - Year in Review

 Here I go again - For all those who just want to "Cut to the Chase"

2024 in 12 Photos!


Continuing with the Bathroom Renovation  
that started back in October.

Gave us an extra day
We were knee deep in our own renovation 
and also helped a Friend with Hers
We made a Promise to Our Granddaughters.
and said Goodbye to a loved BIL

Everyday on my calendar had something in it
Birthdays and Funerals and Easter and
so much that I forgot to write up our Visit to The DaVinci Exhibit
(something I have since included.)

It was all White Gloved Hands on deck for the AQC
and visits to the Vet with Our Cat 

We weeded out the old Pond and made a pretty garden instead
(The birds are making good use of the Feeder turned Bird Bath)

I spent my Birthday checking out the other Dinosaurs at the Melbourne Zoo.

Taking a break from the continuing Renovation and Repairs
DD & I took the Girls to the Cake Bake & Sweets Show

How on Earth do I sum Up August in just one Photograph?
12 day Epic - Bucket List Tour of The Red Centre of Australia
This is the living beating Heart of Australia
and it is FAR from Dead.

looking back through my Diary - September was 
mainly appointments and waiting for Tradesmen.
DD's 40th Birthday.

Pharaoh comes to the National Gallery of Victoria
It took us the best part of all day to 
see the 500 Pieces in this landmark Exhibition
(even then I missed some!)

Baking and Birthdays
and Maybe a New Hobby
('cause we all need yet another Hobby)

and of course with all its Trauma and Tinsel
December is Christmas.

* * *

Whoever you are
Wherever you live
Whatever you Believe
Thank you for coming by 
and sharing a snapshot of 
Who I am and What I do.

Season's Greetings
Happy New Year


25 December 2024

Christmas Day 1974

 "Santa never made it into Darwin
Disaster struck at dawn on Christmas Day
Santa never made it into Darwin
A Big wind came and blew the town away"
* * *

In the early hours of Christmas Day 1974 Tropical Cyclone Tracy swept through Darwin.
She was small and destructive. 

With winds that exceeded 217 km per hour before the anemometer at Darwin Airport was destroyed.

This girder is part of the Tracy Exhibit in Darwin Museum.

* "Cyclone Tracy had a profound impact on the Darwin community with over 70 per cent of Darwin’s homes destroyed or suffering severe damage, all public services including communications, power, water and  sewerage were severed, 
41,000 people left homeless, 35,362 people (of the 47,000 total population of Darwin) were evacuated and tragically 66 lives were lost."

50 years on - She remains one of the most destructive Natural disasters in Australia's History.

Santa Never Made it into Darwin, written by music duo Bill and Boyd.
*Darwin.nt.gov.au/ Cyclone Tracy 50th anniversary

22 December 2024

What Now?

What are you doing for Christmas?
Nothing Special - We've already done Family Christmas

Which leaves us plenty of time to enjoy the Christmas Markets

Dec. 6.  Food & Wine Christmas Market -MCEC (Jeff's Shed)

Dec 14.  Indoor Pop up Market - Pentridge Coburg

Dec. 15  Handmade Design Market - Coburg Town Hall

Dec. 22  Pentridge Makers Market - Outdoor Pentridge Coburg

Didn't buy much but it was a good outing and fun chatting to the stallholders.

9 December 2024

Christmas came Early

Christmas when we were kids was easy -
You woke up unwrapped Presents, 
Had a very big Lunch
Went to Grandmas via Uncle's Place
and were back home in time for Dinner.

(photo typical of Aussie Christmas c 1965)

Then you got Married. 
In-laws did Boxing Day

You wanted Christmas Day
Your Family wanted....

Then your Kids got Married and ....
Its all very complicated!

So THIS year we decided to Have Christmas Early - Very Early.  
No one else wanted December 8th !

The Table was set 
and the Meal Prepared - 

Allowing for 6 different dietary requirements
and 4 Toddlers

The Christmas Biscuits were NOT deemed too Pretty to eat.

And as far as Little Miss P was concerned 
"If I eat it with my cutlery then it IS my Main Course"

After Lunch -
Gifts were exchanged

And the Children begged to be allowed to "Go to the Park".

Before all clearing off and leaving Us to the Washing Up...

And That is the Way it Should be.

Merry Christmas Everyone !

4 December 2024

Getting ready for ....

I do not enjoy the Stress and Hype leading up to Christmas and
Some days are that bad you just have to Drown a Reindeer 
in Your Coffee!

DH Birthday✔
Meltdown ✔

Good to get some things off the list early. 

28 November 2024

Happy Thanksgiving

 "Do you have any Thanksgiving Themed Cookie Cutters? 
They are doing a Thing at work next Week"

Lets just jump back a week when I got frustrated with not being able to find my Cake Decorating things when I needed them - So after Much Sorting, Many trips to Bunnings and a Huge Spreadsheet later and I can categorically say - No !

We don't 'Do' Thanksgiving in Australia so I was left searching the Cookie Stores for Halloween Pumpkin Cutters or anything I could use instead.

I found this Beautiful Cutter and Imprint at Sweetly Impressed (Echuca Victoria).

I also ordered a set of "Fancy Pants" Script letters from Cookie Stamp Co. (Perth W.Aust)

These were exactly what I needed and arrived in 2 Days!

So I was "Good to Go"

Cookies Baked - 

Time to turn them into something more Interesting.

I have had a little experience with Imprinting Fondant, but not with 3D Printed Cutters and Perspex Stamps!

I have however, had a LOT of experience in hand colouring Fondant & Sugarpaste (mainly flowers).

Dusting the plain coloured fondant with a darker petal dust started to bring these to life.

I was not able to source the beautiful Floral leaves and flourish that the online Sample had but, 
I was able to improvise with what I did have for the Pumpkin flowers & leaves.

DDIL#2 was delighted and happily took them to Work for their 'Thanksgiving Party'

There was just ONE problem:
They all said 
"They were Too Pretty to Eat"
and so they didn't!

Oh Good Grief.......

12 November 2024

Cakes, Cookies & Parties

Whittlesea show:

A Bit of a difference this year with just One Demonstration each day.
Our President Iced and decorated a Christmas Cake while 'Yours Truly' ran the commentary!

GD#2 - Picnic Birthday

What could possibly go wrong?
An Uncle holding a Piñata at arms length while a 2 yr old swings at it with a Broomstick!

More Birthdays:

Late night Text from DS#1:  
"I hate Fondant - And my Hands Hurt!": 

For Little Miss H's 4th Birthday He Made 
A (hand coloured) striped, Fondant Covered, Stacked Black Forest Cat in the Hat Birthday Cake.  

Very ambitious for just his 4th Cake! 

Biscuit baking:
I don't know just HOW this started but I find myself delving into the realm of Sugar Cookies. 
(I am blaming it on Instagram!) 

"Freeze the Cookies before Baking" (They had better be worth it for all the fuss.)