28 February 2019

Backyard Garden Update

Things have been a bit out of kilter for me since DH retired - Everyday feels like Saturday and then I realise it is actually Thursday and I have missed Wednesday completely!  .... now where was I?

The last report on my Back Garden Project was Christmas Eve and it was looking like there was something happening...

- It was finished enough for the immediate family and Christmas.

But there was little time to rest as it had to be presentable for DS#2s Engagement Party on the 16th February.

At this point I wasn't sure what to put where and I didn't want to plant-up large plants until I had a better idea of what I wanted the garden to look like.

It needed Flowers 
- Lots of Flowers! 

Some Mega-Punnets of Marigold seedlings from Bunnings was the cheapest option.

And DH was happy to help with measuring out how far apart I should plant them - as well as 'expertly' distributing the mulch.

Then all we need to do was give them a GOOD Watering -

Which was provided by the Lord Above...

Maybe we didn't need QUITE so much,
but when you are actually in a drought ...
every bit helps!

(It rained like this for 10 minutes and we have not had a drop for a month.)

Now all we had to do was
Watch and Wait...
Each morning the plants were a little bigger and each morning a few more flowers were blooming.

And by the time the Party Day arrived there was an acceptable display of colour.

And now....

The Pollinator Garden is in Full Bloom.

The Marigold Border is a picture (and happily providing free seedlings).
Pink and White Cosmos sway in the breeze, intermingling with Lavender and Strawberries.

I even have a Rosella bush blooming in the background.

That will be interesting to see how the fruit turns out!

Maybe not enough for Rosella Jam but maybe I will be able to preserve a few of the Calyx/Fruit.

And -
I have Happy Bees
(and other insects)
enjoying the flowers.

I sit on the deck with my DH and a Cup of Tea and we say...

Why haven't we done this before?

7 February 2019

Getting Back into Quilting - ALMOST. . .

The Garden Reno is as finished as it can be for the moment, and it was way too hot to be out there anyway - so I thought it would be an idea to get started on my New Quilting Adventure for 2019.

I have resisted Quilt Fads (Like Jelly Roll Quilts etc) but the Temperature Quilt has sparked my Interest and I thought I would give it a go.  So from January One I have been taking note of the High and Low Daily Temperatures -

I have collected a range of fabrics from my Stash which I think will be appropriate. And I have worked out a pattern - as none that I have seen online have been suitable.
So with all my things around me I settled down at my work table . . .

Oooooh! (Says newly retired DH) seeing you have your machine up - Would you take up my new trousers.  And while you are at it . . .

 ...could you do something with my Pockets?

How many Trousers are there?
One needing Hems and Three that need Pocket repairs.
(8 pockets in total)
You are Kidding? 

How does this happen?

Well - patching was not an option - And my valuable Quilting time went 'out the window' when I picked up the seam-ripper.

As I handed them back to him I only had TWO things to say...

1. You owe me BIG time.
and - 
2. You are VERY lucky I did not use "Itty Bitty Kitty" Fabric in there!

3 February 2019

Learning New Things

Both of the Cake Decorating Groups I attend are now back in full swing and we are ready to learn lots of "new" techniques.

I started off last weekend, learning something I have been eager to try for a long time.
"Brush Embroidery" and "Applique" for Cakes.  

These are Old Techniques that we do not see very often on Modern Cakes - Maybe it is time to bring back this beautiful form of Decoration.

* * *
Yesterday we had visiting Tutor Marianne Bartuccelli from “Tastefully yours cake art” who, very Patiently, encouraged us in the Art of "Water Colour Painting" Direct on your Cake Surface.
Tutor Marianne with Our President Extraordinaire Dot!

None of us had attempted this type of Decoration before but I think, telling us "Don't Worry, No One will take home a Perfect Cake today" spurred some to Prove Her Wrong!

I was pleased with my Cake
with the exception of my lettering.

- Something I clearly need to PRACTICE!

If I were to make this Cake (for Real) I would try the Applique Techniques I learned from the Previous Workshop and bring those Balloons to Life!

Looking forward to Our Next Workshop.