Another Year that started with a Bang!
DD fell victim to a Grumpy Bee Sting ending up in Emergency
We received our own Girls compliments of a Swarm that settled nearby.
and I started a Year Long Challenge involving Half Hexagons!
Involved a Lot of walking... Combining our Hour of exercise with a trip to the Cafe (for Take-away) Gave us time to see the neighbourhood around us and take the occasional Shot of the Day Photo.
One of "Our Girls" perhaps?
I celebrated 10 Years of Blogging by condensing the last 10 years
into 10 (OK 11) Photos.
I must admit some months it has been hard to fit in a Post but I enjoy it.
So I will continue my Journal (God Willing) into the next 10 Years
Was spent mainly fighting with my Laptop,
finding I have way too many Photos of my Cat
And working on the Focus Cutting Half Hexagon Challenge.
April was also spent anxiously watching Covid Numbers
and Borders that opened only to slam shut again.
We Celebrated Our 40th Wedding Anniversary
with an Adventure.
Melbourne, Perth, Rottnest Island and the Indian Pacific Train departing 16th
all the Way to Sydney!
Posting about Our Adventures took most of June
by the time I sorted photos, drew maps and checked facts.
I finished my 2019 Temperature Quilt
and continued with The Hexagon Mystery Quilt
while still playing with Half Hexie Challenge blocks.
The Mystery Hexagon Quilt was finished and on the To Be Quilted Pile
Second Vaccine Shots were received
Little Miss A Celebrated her 1st Birthday
in the only way we could ... Via Zoom.
Had me revisiting the Past.
Making a Wall-hanging from Scraps & Fixing a problem in the Linen Closet
Some restrictions lifted and we were able to meet DD half way for her Birthday
even if it WAS only in the carpark of a Shopping Centre!
(Takeaway Coffee and a Picnic in the back of Bessie)
Our Bees swarmed over the back fence
triggering some serious maintenance for DD's Hive
The Vic Government announced the end to ALL Lockdowns
just in time for Omicron to make an appearance.
Only time will tell if this Variant is Worse than the last one.
My only November Post was to wish
Little Miss H a Very Happy 1st Birthday
Was spent mainly with the Repair/Renovation of my Mother's Laundry
and getting over Some serious damage to my knee and shoulder.
(Curtesy of falling over Her Cat!)
and of Course Christmas!
God Bless All who Come here and join me each Month.
May 2022 be a Better Year for Everyone.