31 December 2016


I thought this was the photo of the day -
Thank you Thrifty Car hire ... The impossible was achievable.
(That was a LOT of weeds)

And then we passed this tree
a massive broken branch
they fall without a sound, without warning -
 Known in Australia as a "Widow Maker"
was this my photo of the day?

And as we neared closer to home
we encountered a little bit of water across the road ...

so we stopped and surveyed the scene in front of us.
The spillway at Edwards Lake in Reservoir 
was unable to cope with the volume of water.

I have never seen it with much more than a trickle, 
behind that fence is a 10 foot drop which is now full of water 
and overflowing the road.

It certainly was a LOT of water
Water aerobics anyone?

If it was this bad here - we wondered what Coburg Lake looked like
a small diversion to see perhaps
The photos of the day

The spillway

The bike path under the bridge.

Yes, we got a bit of rain yesterday.

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