20 May 2019

Happy Bee Day

To the

"Forgotten Heroes 
of our Food Chain: 
Beneficial Insects everywhere"

Without these wonderful creatures we would not survive very long.

You don't have to keep a Hive.  

You can enjoy having Bees around by being aware of what is best for them.  
Your choice of plants at the nursery can become a magnet to lure Pollinators into your Garden.

There is something wonderfully relaxing. 
Sitting in the garden on a Summer's Day hearing the Buzz of a tree full of bees going about their business, while you do absolutely nothing!

They don't deliberately go out of their way to Sting you as long as you leave them be...

One day, when I was weeding the front Garden - 
I had someone helpfully warn me,  that 
"There are BEES in that plant...."

Oh Yes! That is what it is there for - and someone somewhere is going to have beautiful Lavender scented Honey.

I don't think she was quite ready for THAT response!

Books like this one that I received for Mother's Day and websites like HoneyFlow.com  are a mine of information about how you can do your bit to help.

DH particularly liked the bit about 'letting the garden get messy'.

As long as those weeds don't set seed I am happy to let them stay too!

Together let's Bee Inspired to Change The World.

Happy Bee Day!


  1. I love to see happy bees in the garden!

  2. Hi Wendy such a long time since we chatted???? Just enjoyed going back through your blog, you still seem to be on the move a lot???? I travel from my arm chair now LOL Your garden looks lovely, my son has bees in his garden too. I'm trying to track down Denise who was doing the LAQ do you know her blog or if she is still doing LAQ??? Its a long time since she added her link to Esther's WOW or WIP????
