26 July 2020

Hello Sweetheart ...

The one thing that will send me into full Mum Mode is to answer a call from one of my Kids and be met by silence....  Such was the case Wednesday night.

We are OK Mum but -
The House next door has just exploded.

Oh and the backyard is full of CFA - Firemen
and I don't know what they are doing to my Garden.

She was extremely shaken to say the least, and not one who is prone to exaggerating -

I knew it was bad.

DD has 5 properties backing onto her rear boundary and if any of them were involved in a fire it would be 'touch and go up in flames' for all the others - This is what the House next door looks like on Google Maps.

And the photo she sent through while we were talking showed how close they were to the flames.

Paying strict attention to the advice of the Fire Brigade they stayed inside until directed otherwise.

Even so - the heat of the flames could be felt through the Glass.

In the cold hard light of Day-

This is all that is left of the House Next Door.

With the Fire starting slowly and quietly in a Clothes Dryer in the Garage the home was well alight before the Family could stop it spreading.

They have lost everything but evacuated safely.

The residents in the next door Unit were totally unaware of what was happening and that THEIR house was also on Fire - until the Brigade smashed a window to alert them!

In all, 3 properties were damaged.

And DD's Garden?

She said it was Best Decision of her life to Buy a Block that had a big Backyard.

And let's just say She won't need to Water it for Quite Some Time!!!

1 comment:

  1. Seeing the gutted wreckage of the house the next day was shocking. I'm so glad she and her husband were ok (not to mention their house being far enough away to avoid any damage!).
