14 March 2022

Sunday Morning

We live in a Quiet Street in a Sleepy back-water Neighbourhood at the end of a Road that basically goes no-where.

Sunday Morning we woke to news of a very bad night in Melbourne with several attacks and stabbings - some of which were Sadly Fatal. We went through the emotions of "Oh - How Terrible" and then set about our walk to a Local Cafe for Breakfast.

What we did not know, until we walked around the Corner and were confronted by the sight of Police and Forensics, was that one of the Attacks ended near our Street. 

We are saddened by the events that have scarred our Beautiful Melbourne on what was a Family Holiday Long Weekend. 

And the fact that a 16 yr old lost his life in such terrible circumstances - so far from his own home and Family.

Update: 23rd March 2022 
Victoria Police have reported that 7 Teenagers (Aged 13 to 17) have been arrested for this Death. None of whom were Local to the area.
Declan will be laid to Rest on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. That is very sad, and must have been a shock to you that morning.
