8 June 2017

It is a Good feeling when . . .

You can finally say -
It is finished!

Quilted with an all over pattern it is the cosiest quilt I have made
and an even better feeling to know it is just in time for what is going to be a very cold Winter!

* * *
May 18th 2016
I started Allietare as a challenge to see just how long it would take me to make a Bonny Hunter Quilt - then life got in the way and it became a WIP.
A year later I can happily hand it over to DS and DDIL 
(who are still patiently waiting for their Wedding Quilt!)


  1. Congratulations! A lovely finish.

  2. Congratualtions. It looks lovely. I`ve th ought about joining one of her QALs but have too much on the go and don`t want to push all my WIPs back another notch.

  3. WOW that is some quilt Wendy all those tiny pieces to cut up then sew back to get those points even???? Would be no good me making one my points hardly ever meet LOL Sewing machines and I don't go to well together LOL
    . Cheers Glenda
