21 October 2020

Well Done Melbourne.

Over the course of Melbourne Lockdown we have been tuning in to (Premier) Daniel Andrews Daily News Conference. Sunday's conference was one that everyone was eagerly awaiting. He sounded tired and very emotional as he told everyone that we could start the road back to our "New Normal".

There will still be rules and restrictions but Shops can open and yes, You can go for a Beer - or in our case Coffee.  

How Sweet was it to sit down and have a Latte in a Glass!

It's not the Coffee that I have missed but the "People Watching" - the company of strangers.  The banter at the tables.  

These people are the Friends we haven't met and we have missed them.

Sunday's announcement also removed our 5 km travel restriction - expanding it to 25 km.  We can now have that 'Spatially Distant" Coffee elsewhere.  

This is what we found at the very end of our allowed 25 km. 

Oh to see the Water and Feel the Sea breeze on my (masked) face! 

It did more for my COVID muddled brain than any therapy.

Then there WAS an added extra - 25 km happens to intersect with where our DS#1 works.

We have not seen him since they put the "Barrier of Steel" between Regional Victoria and Melbourne.

It was SO good to see him again.

We eagerly await each announcement. 
As Infection numbers fall so do the restrictions.

We have brought down our Second Wave. 0 New Infections/ 0 Deaths

 Well done Melbourne! Keep it Up.

And we Celebrate? - with Donuts!  (Of course we do.)

1 comment:

  1. And hooray for the half-dozen donuts we've reached today! I might have to go in search of a donut today.

    I hope I will get to see my son some time. He is locked inside the ring of steel with you, while I'm out here in the open air missing my Melbourne friends and family.
