21 November 2022

November ...

 I fear that this will have to be a bit of a "Photo Dump"!

It hasn't all been Baby snuggles and quality time with the 3 Grand-daughters.  

Although we did manage a day for GD#2's 2nd Birthday when all 3 were together.

Most of the month has seen me:-


a LOT of Patching


a LOT of Painting

Clambering around the ceilings using my Awesome 'worth every cent' adjustable trestles,

Finding better ways to do things

Watching our "Perfectly OK" playground ripped out and replaced with an almost identical one..

Keeping an eye on the ever rising Water Levels of Creeks (& Rivers) near and far.

(This one is opposite DS#1's home!)

We had an early morning trip to Town.

While we were there we saw the Myer Christmas Windows (without the crowds of Children).

In the middle of all of this - The 'Fridge packed up. It has an alarm when the temperature rises (door left ajar) It beeped for FOUR days - non stop until we could replace it.

Today we moved all the furniture out of our Bedroom and, well, It was not a pretty sight.  
We found where all the 'Dust Bunnies' have been hiding.  The thing is - Dust happens, it is just more noticeable on polished boards than Carpet.

Time to invest in a Robo Vacuum!  (In my defence - this was all under the furniture.)

DH has been helping too.  He is a Wiz with moving ladders and washing down walls!
We are almost done - just one more room and then we have to put it all back again!

1 comment:

  1. Busy busy! I'm sure it will lovely once it is all done.
