What can I say? The trip was VERY long and we were VERY tired by the time we got here.
Arriving in Nashville airport was a treat - It has got to be the most beautiful and comfortable airport we had passed through to date. (Although Auckland was pretty spiffy too!)
Huntsville is a very pretty town with the most beautiful streetscaping. The sight of sweeping lawns and Crepe Myrtle in full bloom down every street and in every car park is just breathtaking.
Our Hosts have spoilt us with sights of Chipmunks and Squirrels and Fireflies... and that was without leaving their house!
I have missed my promised Photo a day, as I have had issues with my small tablet not wanting to talk to my Camera, so unfortunately I will have to post without photos for the moment.
(I'll come back and put them in later when the issues have been sorted.... PROMISE!)
.... and I do have some wonderful photos to share.
* * * * *
UPDATE: Promise kept!
It has taken me quite some time but here is the promised photos
Red Crepe Myrtles outside a Church in Huntsville
Sounds wonderful! :D