29 December 2019

Garage Floor - The Final Chapter

I have recently realised that I have not put in an update on out "Garage Floor Project". I left the story on July 13 stating that the Tradesmen "would be back on Monday"

Many Mondays came and went by without a trace of a Tradie. - When they did turn up, they sealed and sanded back once again and left a "sample section" where these White patches are -

And now we wait. . . . . . and wait. . . .

And the bubbles came back.

And when we got tired of waiting - we called in on them at their Office, walking in on a Colleague who suggested a different product.

"It's expensive - and it has to come from Queensland"

Their reply.... "I don't care - There is some 'Serious *bleep*' going on here - 
and We have to fix this!"

OK - so now we wait once more for Stuff to be sourced and sent down from Qld.

And here we are - AGAIN, having the concrete sanded back and undercoated.

I am sure the neighbours must be wondering what the (insert descriptive term here) is going on!

And Once again there was an issue - the original problem has resurfaced. This time it is not so difficult to rectify.

It looks like we MIGHT be winning the battle!

With the few issues in the undercoat "Spot treated" 
- it was now time to apply 
THE Product.

Honestly, These Guys have been doing some very serious Penance!

No painting on with a roller this time.
This time it had to be trowelled on!

Another week to cure. . .

And on one of the hottest days this year, with a mean North wind blowing right into the garage -
They sent someone to put the final coat on.

I tried to send him home but ended up plying him with glasses of ice water instead.

For Two Full weeks, we put this new Product through our 
'Ultimate Test'

when we pulled the Carpet back. . .

It was DRY
And there were NO bubbles.

Six months after we started - We called it DONE!
* * * * *

On a footnote to this whole saga. The company we dealt with had to fit us in around other jobs, but never gave up on us. The product they eventually tried was New to Them, so we became their Test Case and they are now using it on another Job in the new year.
When they said all those months ago that they had 'Never met a floor they couldn't fix' they can now say "no seriously - we had this garage floor and........"


  1. Wow, that has been a saga! Very glad it is now DONE after all that.

  2. I must remember to get the name of that company from you in case I ever need their services, because they are some very determined and good people!
