26 December 2019

Press 'Reset' and do it all again. . .

The thing with Christmas is you just can't be everywhere for everyone at the same time - so for many of us we have to juggle catching up with the Rellies over multiple meals or in our case Days.

For Us, Yesterday was "Just those who live at Our Place plus my Mother"...
And a new tradition, started a few years ago on an exceptionally Hot Christmas Day - I do High Tea instead of the Traditional "Too much food for one meal" affair.

Today, my DH's Family get together in an informal style where Good Food, Conversation, Catching up and Backyard Cricket hum along seamlessly while we await the appointed TREE TIME.

For the Little ones, this is a wonderful time where they get to be "Santa's Helpers" delivering gifts to Uncles, Aunts, Cousins etc etc they haven't seen for a whole year.

Three Generations all together, and this year - It was easier to count who was NOT there!
Nephews & Nieces, now adults bring their partners, new families are created..
Just how long this can continue - Who Knows? 

Tomorrow, we "Press Reset" - and do it all again 
for "First Christmas" at DS#1's new Home!

1 comment:

  1. High tea looks like a lovely idea. Very civilised! But that's a decent sized family gathering on Boxing day.

    We have a couple of days to relax before the "Reset". The second one is tomorrow.
