21 April 2020

Thought for the Day

Gardening is a very pleasurable pastime especially in these times of having to 'Stay at Home'

I didn't mind the Cabbage Moth Butterflies
until I planted Cabbages....

Other Bugs have come in for a look.

These are (according to our friend the Entomologist) a variety of "Stink Bugs" and not to be too concerned...

Fine as long as you don't step on them!

Then there are the Bees.

They are working frantically while the weather is still warm and the flowers are plentiful.

The Beekeeper down the road will be reaping the rewards of our Pollinator Garden and all is buzzing along beautifully.


Don't presume that just because the flowers are finished that the Bees are too....

Yep - I learnt a valuable and painful lesson - It not HOW you get the Sting out but how QUICKLY you do!

I think I am going to have to be EXTRA careful with wearing gardening gloves in the future.


  1. Ouch! Hope the sting feels better quickly.

    The stink bugs are interesting, I don't think I have seen anything quite like them before.

  2. Yeah, I've learnt to be careful when pruning old flowers off. I tend to check for bees, as I've my own experience of making one of the girls grumpy.
