24 June 2020

Cat Tower Rescue

We have a Cat, His name is Spike. 
He is a Siberian Forest/Chinchilla mix.
We adopted him as a very frightened 13 month old from the RSPCA so he is Indoors Only and Loved to bits by all who meet him.

He has a scratch tower that he has also Loved to bits.  And needed to be re-upholstered.

Sadly I didn't get a photo of it before I dismantled it - but the photo  shows the state of the Carpet cover.
It was a bit of a mess to say the least.

Removing the cover was easy for the round section as it was cardboard.

The flat section (and favourite scratching post) was timber and the Industrial Strength Hot Glue that was used was a bit harder to remove.

A remnant of Carpet that had been laying around for a while was just the right size.

The board was shaped and I also discovered that the carpet (a loop pile) also has a Nap so I had to make sure it was facing the right way down.

Six sticks of Hot Glue later and the Pieces were ready to screw back into place.

(I think I may need a bigger Hot Glue Gun if I am going to do this again.)

The restoration was fairly easy to do, took a couple of hours (including a Coffee Break) and cost nothing as I already had everything I needed.

We saved $$$ by not having to buy a new one AND kept what was actually a perfectly good Cat Scratcher out of Landfill!

Job well done!


  1. I love your refurbed cat scratching station!

    I need to do the same to a much loved 'podium' cat scratcher. My sister's fluffier cat has managed to scratch not only completely through the carpet but also the cardboard tube. I suspect that I may need to find a replacement for more than carpet if I don't find my own carpet offcut soon.
