10 October 2012

A little tweaking in the garden......

My garden is a little over run at the moment and in need of a Spring Clean.  We have, what the Garden Gurus refer to as 'rooms' in our garden.  Places that invite you to wander over for a closer look... well that's the theory anyway!

This week we worked on the 'Japanese Garden'.
as you can see...it is a little sad and a bit of a mess.

The Violets have started to show up again after DH's futile attempt at pulling them out, the path is full of weeds and the Japanese Maples have overgrown it so far - that it is unusable.

Maybe we could look at it from a different angle?

OH.. That looks so much more intimidating!  
And several cups of tea later.... 

DH decided not to prune the trees... 
No .....
 He decided..... 
to ...
...move the path!
Ummm?  ... yes ... 
Of course you do!

Fortunately, it has been a wet winter and the turf came up easily.  With much walking back and forth, the new course was mapped out. And the bricks, (yep. recycled house bricks from our extension years ago) were carefully belted back into submission.

Laying a path with recycled house bricks is never a straightforward affair, especially when it has to be curved and that no bricks are to be 'harmed in the process' - so no cutting of bricks to make life easier!

I have lost  count of how many bricks I have laid over the years and how many times the paths have been re-coursed, re-designed or tweaked.  This time I have handed my mallet to my DH and DS#1 so maybe...just maybe... they will understand why I have said NO MORE!

This time I was quite happy to work in my most favourite spot of all in the garden.

Behind the trees and under their canopy of soft new leaves, at the back of the garden bed is -

My Secret Garden.
It is a magic place where you can allow your imagination a little freedom.
And a place I am sure in time, young visitors to my garden will discover all by themselves.

In the meantime, there is still the Azaleas and Hellebores, along with my long suffering Vireyas that have been languishing in their pots to plant....

and we work hard to make this magic place -

-  just a little more magical.


  1. I loved that they moved the path!! that sounds just like my men!!~ Your gardens are really nice though hope you enjoy them!!

  2. It looks lovely. I love brick paths. We live in a townhouse now and the one thing I miss is being able to dig in the dirt (actual ground). I can have potted plants but not do anything in the ground.
    Your garden area looks very inviting.


  3. ah, Melbourne gardens, I really miss my mil and her garden. yours looks lovely Wendy. I love bricks in the garden too, have a few in the front garden here in Brisbane.

  4. Oh that is gorgeous!! I wish I could do something just as pretty in our backyard!! You obviously made good use of Sunday's singularly Spring weather day!
