25 September 2019

Checking the Temperature (Quilt)

"Life gets in the Way" - or so the saying goes.

Well, it has sort of got in the way of my Quilting at the moment -
Time and energy are being expended on other projects but the Temperature Quilt is not forgotten. 

Many blocks have been constructed and trimmed.

And some have even managed to be sewn together!

Summer has progressed into Autumn....

and did they say Spring is already here? 
What happened to Winter?

Time to get back to the Sewing....  or Gardening.... or .......

1 comment:

  1. If it's sunny, gardening. If it's promising rain, back to the quilt. Of course with the drought conditions this probably means that the garden will be finished long before the quilt, but at least one project will be crossed off the list by the end of the year! ;)
