9 September 2019

Temperature Quilt Conundrum

So, I am making a Temperature Quilt for this year.
Fairly simple Get the Highs and Lows for each day and make blocks to correspond with the temperature range.

What happens if I am NOT actually IN my place of residence for say..... a week or so?
Do I continue with my Suburb's weather or use the Local weather?

Decisions - Decisions!

At the moment, with the assistance of DS#2 who stayed Home in Chilly Melbourne. I have the records of BOTH places and a suggestion that I use the Holiday Temps in the border of the Quilt or as a Special Section on the Back.

I am interested to know what others have done - Or do you just stay home for the year?

* * * * *

If you are curious as to where we went and what we did when we got there.

Call back tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't go away in the year I did mine. But if I had I would have still used the home temperatures, because for me the quilt was about what happens here rather than what happens to me. Our weather station writes to a database and all the records are kept, so I could get the temperatures no matter how long I was away for, if I had gone away.

    I know at least one person who uses the temperatures where she is, though. So do whatever you prefer!
