1 November 2019

Not a Gardenia

I thought it was a million years ago but in actual fact it has only been just over 12 months since this major Backyard renovation started.

Today I went delving into my archived progress photos looking for a Before Shot of the Path between our Garage and House, (finally finding one that was actually taken of the Neighbours Cat.)

All the plants here unfortunately, had to go - including my Gardenias.

I will miss the shade of the Maple but not cleaning the leaves out of the Gutters or slipping on them on the path, and the fact it got burnt every time the Sun shone.

The Tree roots were also in the Storm Water pipes which had to be replaced along with guttering and some rotted boards on the Garage wall.

(This photo was taken exactly 12 months ago.)

I had raised the Gardenias from Tube Stock and they were a beautiful fragrant "Hedge" at the start of the Path.

So, we decided it was worth the attempt to Save them.  We lifted them and placed any that came up roots attached into Pots.

I planted annuals in the spot and they looked great for DS#2s Engagement Party.

And the pots with my precious Gardenias sheltered under the trees over winter.

All but one Survived.

Flowering happily under the Trees
That is NOT a Gardenia

It is much more Precious -

My long lost 'thought it was dead' Vireya!

I remember it came out in its root ball and just got dumped into that Strawberry Pot - no special attention at all.

Now all I have to do is work out what I did right and not kill it with kindness!!!!

1 comment:

  1. How could I not comment on this post! I'm glad your gardenias survived their transplant, but very happy for the vireya!
