Bees are Pollinators. So are Butterflies, Native Bees, Bugs and Beetles.
I finally got around to assembling my 'Native Bee' Hotel.
They are made from the off-cuts and leftovers from Flow Hive construction and are a Limited release each year.
It has made a nice addition to my Pollinator Garden - All I need now is some "Tenants"!
As I went to write this Post I discovered that this week (10 - 17 November) is Australian Pollinator Week where we are encouraged to pay a bit more attention to the work these Insects do for us.
I was dismayed to discover how many of these Beautiful Creatures are verging on extinction.
If you have time I encourage you to Check out this Link to the Australian Pollinator Website and read about the Green Carpenter Bee Conservation Project.
We put up some bee hotels a few months ago. I haven't seen any evidence of tenants yet, but perhaps over summer we will. Good luck with your hotel!