21 November 2020

Wedding Cake - Aussie Style

 … with a Texas Touch!

Making a Wedding Cake during a Pandemic with Strict lock-down rules was always going to have it's own special set of challenges.  
Not having the tools or ingredients easily to hand was one thing - but the concept that I was making a Cake for a Wedding that might not be allowed to proceed was frustrating.

The Groom was Our Son, and he'd asked for Australian Native Flowers, Kangaroo Paw and Blue Gum Leaves.  To this, I added the Victorian Floral Emblem - Pink Heath as well.

The Bride - far from her home of Texas USA didn't ask for anything specific.  However, I knew that she wanted Texas Bluebonnets to feature somewhere on her Wedding Day and of course Yellow Roses.

Finding some Botanical Sketches of the Bluebonnets which gave me the correct size and shape helped enormously. 

Together with 3 perfect Roses and Our Aussie Natives, as well as some White Sakura Flowers I was able to make 3 beautiful Sprays.

How to arrange them into something that looked good was another matter.

What type of Cake? 

How Tall - What Shape?

Let the Flowers decide!

The top tier spilling out of a small pouring jug and some negative space between. And for the observant - a small ceramic Gecko peeking out of the flowers.

It wasn't what we wanted for them.  

It wasn't what we had planned way back in January.

At the end of a very Big Day, 
In a small Local Cafe (that opened just for us).

The Cake was cut and the Marriage Celebrated, in a Covid-safe way with a handful of (Legally allowed) Friends and Family.


  1. Beautiful! The cake is beautiful, and the celebration will be one to remember.

  2. I'm glad it all turned out so beautifully for them after so many months of uncertainty!
