28 March 2020

COVID Clean Out

For Me, There is nothing 'new' about staying at home.
Between the Kids, Their Friends and my Hobbies
It has been a case of "Housework Whenever"

"Whenever" just caught up with me

I have spent the last two weeks Cleaning and Tidying and making the house as Calm as possible so that  everyone can function during this time of Close Living.

Starting with the Pantry.

I thought we had a fair bit of Tea but, I think I can safely not buy any Tea for a Good Six to Twelve Months and still have some left over!

I have pulled out dust covered bottles and Boxes of long forgotten Laundry Products - tried, rejected and relegated to the back of the cupboard.

Today I bought a small basket and started putting all those little Soaps that People Give you and those you bring home from Hotels.

I should have bought a Bigger Basket!

Granted, Some just need to be thrown out -

When did I go to Michigan?
July 2013.

Yep - They can GO!

And then there are the ones we souvenired on our Last Trip

Beautiful Aussie Native Bush Scents.

(Maybe I can have a 'Virtual Holiday' instead of being sad about the cancellation of our next adventure.)

And I found
TWO precious bottles of
 Hand Sanitizer!

I wonder just HOW MUCH STUFF we all have lurking in drawers and cupboards that can be used instead of going to buy more?