8 March 2020

International Women's Day

I spent today with my wonderful DD
Did we dress up and go to High Tea?

Um - No
She had a Garden to find.
To say the weeds have gotten on top of her is an understatement

We found the Lemon Tree!

and it was still alive
A cause for celebration indeed

We found the Herb Garden
complete with pre-seasoned Escargot.

Apparently Snails like Garlic Chives

And eventually we found the rest of the Veggie Patch

We have to tame the Raspberries 
onto and over a trellis
Top up the Garden Beds with fresh soil...

Then do it all again for her other TWO Gardens!

Then - and only Then maybe,
 we can sit and have High Tea.

* * * * * 

"If I have to I can do anything - 
I am Strong - I am Invincible - I am Woman"
Helen Reddy

Happy International Women's Day


  1. Wow, that was a big task! Congratulations to you both on what you achieved.

  2. I've been greatly impressed by how much you all managed to do over the long weekend alone! Looking forward to more progress photos in future :D
